- The best way to learn Java programming is by practicing examples. The page contains examples on basic concepts of Java. You are advised to take the references from these examples and try them on your own. All the programs on this page are tested and should work on all platforms.
- Whatever your requirement may be, from writing business letters to creating the perfect job application or writing essays to creating study reports, browse examples from various categories of business, education and design.
Estimated reading time: 7 minutes
Example definition is - one that serves as a pattern to be imitated or not to be imitated. How to use example in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of example.
Tutorial labs
Learn how to develop and ship containerized applications, by walking through asample that exhibits canonical practices. These labs are from the Docker Labsrepository.
Sample | Description |
Docker for Beginners | A good “Docker 101” course. |
Docker Swarm mode | Use Docker for natively managing a cluster of Docker Engines called a swarm. |
Configuring developer tools and programming languages | How to set-up and use common developer tools and programming languages with Docker. |
Live Debugging Java with Docker | Java developers can use Docker to build a development environment where they can run, test, and live debug code running within a container. |
Docker for Java Developers | Offers Java developers an intro-level and self-paced hands-on workshop with Docker. |
Live Debugging a Node.js application in Docker | Node developers can use Docker to build a development environment where they can run, test, and live debug code running within a container. |
Dockerizing a Node.js application | This tutorial starts with a simple Node.js application and details the steps needed to Dockerize it and ensure its scalability. |
Docker for ASP.NET and Windows containers | Docker supports Windows containers, too! Learn how to run ASP.NET, SQL Server, and more in these tutorials. |
Docker Security | How to take advantage of Docker security features. |
Building a 12-factor application with Docker | Use Docker to create an app that conforms to Heroku’s “12 factors for cloud-native applications.” |
Sample applications
Run popular software using Docker.
Sample | Description |
apt-cacher-ng | Run a Dockerized apt-cacher-ng instance. |
.Net Core application | Run a Dockerized ASP.NET Core application. |
ASP.NET Core + SQL Server on Linux | Run a Dockerized ASP.NET Core + SQL Server environment. |
CouchDB | Run a Dockerized CouchDB instance. |
Django + PostgreSQL | Run a Dockerized Django + PostgreSQL environment. |
PostgreSQL | Run a Dockerized PostgreSQL instance. |
Rails + PostgreSQL | Run a Dockerized Rails + PostgreSQL environment. |
Riak | Run a Dockerized Riak instance. |
SSHd | Run a Dockerized SSHd instance. |
WordPress | Quickstart: Compose and WordPress. |
Library references
The following table provides a list of popular official Docker images. For detailed documentation, select the specific image name.
Image name | Description |
Adminer | |
Adoptopenjdk | |
Aerospike | |
Alpine | |
Alt | |
Amazoncorretto | |
Amazonlinux | |
Arangodb | |
Backdrop | |
Bash | |
Bonita | |
Buildpack Deps | |
Busybox | |
Cassandra | |
Centos | |
Chronograf | |
Cirros | |
Clearlinux | |
Clefos | |
Clojure | |
Composer | |
Consul | |
Convertigo | |
Couchbase | |
Couchdb | |
Crate | |
Crux | |
Debian | |
Docker | |
Drupal | |
Eclipse Mosquitto | |
Eggdrop | |
Elasticsearch | |
Elixir | |
Erlang | |
Euleros | |
Express Gateway | |
Fedora | |
Flink | |
Fluentd | |
Fsharp | |
Gazebo | |
Gcc | |
Geonetwork | |
Ghost | |
Golang | |
Gradle | |
Groovy | |
Haproxy | |
Haskell | |
Haxe | |
Hello World | |
Httpd | |
Hylang | |
Ibmjava | |
Influxdb | |
Irssi | |
Jetty | |
Jobber | |
Joomla | |
Jruby | |
Julia | |
Kaazing Gateway | |
Kapacitor | |
Kibana | |
Known | |
Kong | |
Lightstreamer | |
Logstash | |
Mageia | |
Mariadb | |
Matomo | |
Maven | |
Mediawiki | |
Memcached | |
Mongo Express | |
Mongo | |
Mono | |
Mysql | |
Nats Streaming | |
Nats | |
Neo4j | |
Neurodebian | |
Nextcloud | |
Nginx | |
Node | |
Notary | |
Nuxeo | |
Odoo | |
Open Liberty | |
Openjdk | |
Opensuse | |
Oraclelinux | |
Orientdb | |
Percona | |
Perl | |
Photon | |
Php Zendserver | |
Php | |
Plone | |
Postfixadmin | |
Postgres | |
Pypy | |
Python | |
R Base | |
Rabbitmq | |
Rakudo Star | |
Rapidoid | |
Redis | |
Redmine | |
Registry | |
Rethinkdb | |
Rocket.chat | |
Ros | |
Ruby | |
Rust | |
Sapmachine | |
Scratch | |
Sentry | |
Silverpeas | |
Sl | |
Solr | |
Sonarqube | |
Sourcemage | |
Spiped | |
Storm | |
Swarm | |
Swift | |
Swipl | |
Teamspeak | |
Telegraf | |
Thrift | |
Tomcat | |
Tomee | |
Traefik | |
Ubuntu | |
Varnish | |
Vault | |
Websphere Liberty | |
Wordpress | |
Xwiki | |
Yourls | |
Znc | |
Zookeeper |
Another Example Synonym Phrases
Our code examples are short (less than 300 lines of code), focused demonstrations of vertical deep learning workflows.
All of our examples are written as Jupyter notebooks and can be run in one click in Google Colab,a hosted notebook environment that requires no setup and runs in the cloud. Google Colab includes GPU and TPU runtimes.
Computer Vision
Natural language processing
Examples Of Carbohydrates
Structured Data
Audio Data
Cover Letter Examples
Generative Deep Learning
Reinforcement learning
Quick Keras recipes
Adding a new code example
We welcome new code examples! Here are our rules:
- They should be shorter than 300 lines of code (comments may be as long as you want).
- They should demonstrate modern Keras / TensorFlow 2.0 best practices.
- They should be substantially different in topic from all examples listed above.
- They should be extensively documented & commented.
New examples are added via Pull Requests to the keras.io repository.They must be submitted as a .py
file that follows a specific format. They are usually generated from Jupyter notebooks.See the tutobooks
documentation for more details.