Help + How To Playdodge

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  • Dodge the Projectiles! Is a 2D Side Scrolling platformer. All you do in the game, judging by the name, you dodge incoming projectiles to keep your score streak going! But beware, if you get hit by one projectile, then your run ends.

Learn how to play dodge beer/ beer ball. Dodge Beer (in some regions known as beer ball) mixes elements of beer pong and dodgeball to create a fast-paced, beer chugging drinking game. Dodge Beer is a competitive 2 vs. 2 drinking game. Due to the competitive nature of this game it is great as a beer olympics event, or in a tournament.

Dodgeball Lesson


This lesson allows your children to develop agility and throwing skills by playing a variety of games.

Help + How To Playdodge

Warm Up Games

This fantastic resource is made up of 15 warm up games to play with your Foundation, KS1 or KS2 class during PE.

This is very useful as not only will it give you great ideas for games, but it will also give you very clear instructions of how to set up and complete the games.

A must have resource for PE enthusiasts.

Dodgeball Variations


If you are looking for variations of dodgeball that develops different skills and keeps all children involved, then download our booklet which introduces you to 10 variations of the classic game.

Playing Dodgeball KS1 & KS2

Dodgeball is a fantastic team game that requires throwing skills, speed, agility, accuracy and dodging skills.

You will need softballs (amount depends on numbers) and an area (preferably wall to wall). Divide all your class into teams of four or five depending on the amount in your class and the size of your hall.

Place a line up the centre of the hall and inform each team that they must stay in their area. The children must try to eliminate each player of the other team by hitting them with the ball below the knees. Inform the children to only lift one ball at a time.

Protect the President

Your class will stand in a large circle or two large circles (depending on numbers) to play the Protect the President variation of this classic game.

This game will encourage your children to both think offensive and defensive. This will help them when they come to play the original variation of the game.

Click the resource to see how you can play this game and many other variations.

Doctor Dodgeball

Keeping to the original format, divide your class into two teams with each team going to opposite sides of the area. Before the game starts, each team will choose a doctor which they keep secret. Play the game as normal dodgeball with teams throwing one or more soft balls at the legs of the opposing team. Eliminate the other team by getting all its players out. When someone is hit below the knee, they must sit. The secret Doctor can touch the injured and bring them back into play. Once the Doctor is hit, the team’s only hope is their skill.

Hint: Players shouldn’t jump up as soon as they have been touched as this will give away the doctor.

Protect the Pin

The children will be split into two teams. Each team will have four pins/balls on cones at the back of their side.

The aim is to knock down the other team’s cones whilst protecting your own cones.

Dungeon Dodgeball

Dungeon dodgeball is similar to the original dodgeball game, except when a player is hit, they are not out.

This variation is great as all children stay engaged in the game and must concentrate to re-join their team in a quest to defeat the opposing team.

Click on the resource to see how you set up Dungeon Dodgeball.

Teaching Points

You can allow the children to practise the skills (jumping, dodging and moving in different directions etc) required leading up the the game.

1. Use a variety of throwing techniques – underarm, javelin throw and sidearm throw.

2. Always stay on the balls of your feet to help you move quicker.

3. Use different way to dodge – jump, gallop and jockey.

4. Always move – moving targets are harder to hit.

5. Don’t get the balls that are close to the middle of the area.

6. Trick your opponents by ‘dummy’ throws.

7. Practise moving in all directions – forwards, backwards and side to side.

8. Work as a team with a friend and ‘Gang up’ to eliminate players.

9. Use your eyes to look for unsuspecting players and always be aware of potential attacking players.

10. Don’t always rush to get a ball as your main aim is to stay in the game.


Dodgeball is a popular outdoor game in which two teams or players of two teams throw balls at each other with the purpose of hitting and eliminating. The game is played worldwide and the main objective of players in it is to throw ball at opponents, score points and win. There are many different versions of the game across the world and it’s played all over with equal zeal and zest by people of all age group.

Dodgeball is a game popular among children, teens and adults alike, and it’s one of those rare games played at elementary, middle school, high school, and college and university level. It’s mostly played on a playground while in some parts of the world, the game is also played indoor.

Help How To Play Dodgeball

The main objective of playing dodgeball is three-folds, including:

  • To hit members or players from the opposing team

  • To eliminate opposing members by hitting them with the ball’s

  • Catch a ball thrown or hurled by player’s from the opposing team

  • Trying to throw the ball in a manner which forces opposing players to move outside the court

Rules of dodgeball

The game of dodgeball is governed by a set of rules which players of both the participating teams have to follow. Some of basic rules include:
  • Right at the beginning, the balls are lined up or placed in a line on the central dividing line.

  • Then next, players need to reach where the balls are lined up and try to grab one of them and throw or roll it to their teammates.

  • Once the opening rush is done and the balls grabbed and rolled, players can then throw balls at opposing members in order to hit them or eliminate them.

  • An eliminated player has to sit out of the game and move to the dugout meant for players.

  • If a player catches the ball thrown at him/her, then the thrower is eliminated.

  • The thrower is also eliminated in case the ball rebounds off one player and caught by another from the opposing team.

  • The game works on the concept of elimination and resurrection where a player can be reinstated after being eliminated.

  • Throwing a ball from outside the court can eliminate the thrower if the purpose was to hit the opposing team or any member of it

  • If a player goes out of the court when a ball is thrown at him, he is then automatically eliminated

  • Moving into the opponent’s zone makes one eliminated, so does the act of picking up a ball from the zone of the opponent

  • Elimination also takes place when the thrown ball hits opposition player’s on the head.

Help + How To Playdodge
  • No player is allowed kicking the balls.

  • A player can use a ball to deflect another ball thrown by the opposing team.

  • Dropping a ball or getting it knocked out of the hand makes one eliminated from the game.


  • The game is over the moment all players on either teams are eliminated.


In a nutshell, Dodgeball becoming increasingly popular across the globe and you should try one or another version of it to have great fun.

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Hi! I’m Akshay Sharma. I’m a blogger at Imagination Waffle. I love to read and write about Fitness, Health & Lifestyle topics.
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