Messageall Islamic Content In One Place

Muslims believe that Muhammad is the last in this line of prophets, sent for all humankind with the message of Islam. All islamic content in one place: home q & a free downloads kids online bayan blog forums about islam is life just a game. About islam is life just a game go to. Al qur'an recitation. குர்ஆன் தமிழுரை mp3. Islamic Messages: Allah has created us. Allah has written in the Quran how we should live on earth. In this worldly life, we should follow the Sunnah of our Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). We all should have a.

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We live in a world of social disparity where many people have more than ample to eat and drink clean water, access to good education, health facilities and most importantly freedom to bring change in their lives. On the contrary, there are people who die due to preventable diseases, hunger and impure water. They have no right to basic necessities of life and even worse that they have no opportunity to change their situation. These people are in constant need of assistance to improve their living conditions according to their desires. Every child wishes to go to school and have time for leisure activities. Every woman wishes to have safe birth delivery, live in a safe environment and have opportunities to empower herself and her society. Every man wishes for a normal life and to provide for himself and his family with adequate food, shelter, work opportunity, education and healthcare. These disadvantaged people look forward to any hope brought to them that could fulfil their wishes.

Islam arrived in Arabia in a similar condition of economic inequality and wealth discrepancy. The era before Islam is referred to as time of ignorance (jahiliyyah) because of the tribal warfare and rivalries which continued from one generation to another, lawlessness, neglect and mistreatment of the poor and vulnerable. One of the main goals of Islam was to condemn the economic imbalance and social inequality that prevailed in the Meccan society. The early chapters of Islam speak about the social prejudice and materialism that increased the gap between the rich and poor and affected the poor, destitute, widows and orphans. Addressing the social problems of poverty and inequality is central to the teachings of Islam as it is state in the Quran (chapter: 107, verse: 1, 2, 3) ’Have you seen the one who denies the judgement (to come), for that is the one who drives away the orphan and does not encourage the feeding of the poor’. To address this problem, Islam introduced the system of compulsory almsgiving (zakat) in return of a reward in life after death. It is stated in the Quran (chapter 57, verse 18) that, ‘Verily, those who give Sadaqat (i.e. Zakat and alms, etc.), men and women, and lend to Allah a goodly loan, it shall be increased manifold (to their credit), and theirs shall be an honourable good reward’.

Similarly, Islam has responded to the exploitation of orphans and the low status given to them in the Pre-Islamic Arabia. The Quran says in (chapter 4, verse 3) ‘And bring the orphans their riches, and do not exchange the wicked (you have) for the good (they own); and do not eat up their riches with your riches; surely that is a great outrage.’For the protection of poor and destitute, Islam prohibited the practice of lending money at high interest rate. In addition, charity was declared a right of every poor and needy. As Quran says (chapter 51 verse 19) that, ‘And in their properties is the right of the beggar and the destitute’. Mecca during Prophet Muhammad’s time was a prosperous commercial town but it mistreated vulnerable people who were tribeless, weak and slaves. The Quran therefore criticised the socio-economic inconsistencies and aimed at establishing an ethical and egalitarian social order. The Quran was not against the wealth accumulated by the Meccans and rather refers it to as Fadl Allah (bounty of God in chapter 62, verse 10)) and Khair (good in chapter 2, verse 105). The Quran insists that not all wealth belongs to the earner and that the needy have right it in that wealth. In addition, the Quran also encourages people to spend in the cause of Allah instead of investing it in usury (chapter 30, verse 39).

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The message of peace, equality, and justice made the Meccan people conscious of their responsibilities towards the most vulnerable people and gave hope to all for a fair society. The message is timeless and reminds its readers and believers through Quran and teachings as well as actions of Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) to contribute for the welfare of humanity at large. The message of hope given by Islam is important not only for those who are in desperate need but for those also who have resources to facilitate as reward is guaranteed for them in the life after death. Muslim Aid as an international faith-based charity is a platform for those who wish to give hope for a better life to the neediest people world-wide and be a part of an institution based on the teachings of Islam.

By: Amal Imad Information & Public Affairs Department

According to many scholars in this field, the term Da'wah (call to Islam) applies to conveying the message of Islam to non-Muslims and inviting them to Allah. Non-practicing and lost Muslims need to be reeducated and motivated to become better Muslims; they already know Allah Almighty and have been given the concept of Tawheed (monotheism). Some objectives of Da'wah are as follows:

(a) Conveying the message of Islam to non-Muslims and inviting them to Allah,

Messageall Islamic Content In One Placemats

)b) Making efforts to remove misinformation about Islam and Muslims from text books, reference material and media,
c) Making efforts for the integration of new Muslims into the Muslim community,
)d) To develop material resources, recruit manpower (volunteers) and provide training for Da'wah workers.
Guidance is in the hands of Allah, but the goal of Da’wah is definitely to be a reason to convert people to be Muslims, to save them from the Hell Fire. To avoid aggressiveness as a result of that is for the caller to Islam to know that guidance is not in his control, it is by the will of Allah.
Yes, it is a collective duty, if some fulfill its rights then it is not a duty on every Muslim.
In the Qur'an, Allah has placed the responsibility on the Muslim Ummah (community) to convey the message of Islam to mankind. Allah, TheExalted, says in the Qur'an (what means): 'Thus We have appointed you a model community (Ummah), that you may be witnesses against mankind, and that the Messenger may be a witness against you'. [Quran 2:143]
'Witnessing', here, means to convey the message of Islam, i.e. to call people towards Allah.
Allah also Says (what means): 'Invite to the Way of your Lord (i.e. Islam) with wisdom (i.e. with the Divine Revelation and the Qur’an) and fair preaching, and argue with them in a way that is better. Truly, your Lord knows best who has gone astray from His Path, and He is the Best Aware of those who are guided.' [Quran 16:125]
Prophet Muhammad completed his assignment in his lifetime by conveying the message to the entire Arabian Peninsula and sending letters to the heads of surrounding countries. In his Khutbah (ceremony) of his farewell Hajj (pilgrimage), he passed on the responsibility to every Muslim when he said : 'Those who are present should convey (my message) to those who are not'. [Al-Bukhari]
Remember! Da'wah has great rewards. The Prophet said: 'Whoever guides someone towards good, will receive the reward of the one who acts upon it.' [Muslim]
This means, if a person is converted through the Da'wah you give him/her, you get rewards for all the prayers he/she does or all the fasts that he/she does, etc.
·The best Da'wah is to be a good example because people can see this without you having to talk to them.
1.You should be a good example all the time, not just when doing Da'wah.
2. Don't be a hypocrite and not follow what you preach. For example: how would it look if you tell people that Muslims can't drink alcohol and then they see you drinking.
·Don't act like you're better than the person or people you are giving Da'wah to.
·Don't tell them that they are wrong and you are right and that they are going to hell. But you have to be clear that the religion of the truth is the religion of Islam, and Allah doesn’t accept any other religions. And if a person dies in a state other than being a Muslim, he will be in the Hell Fire. This can be done in a wide way.
·Don't get too deep in a subject you don't know much about, because if they have questions, you won't have answers.
·Use common sense to explain Islam because much of Islamic ethics and rules are based on common sense and most people can relate to common sense
·Dress according to the Sunnah, since the Sunnah of the Prophet has so much blessings in it, and do not imitate the disbeliever.

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Just look for them. For example: you are invited for eating food with your co-workers, and they are going to eating pork. Let them know that you can't eat it. That is Da'wah. For teenagers specifically, whenever people are talking about dating or dances, tell them it is against your religion and why. It is not permissible for a Muslim to take friends that are disbelievers (eating pork, etc.) but if it is your co-workers, or so, then advice them. Also, it is not permissible to be present in a gathering that sins are involved.
The easiest people to give Da'wah to are the ones who already believe in Allah or some kind of deity. People who don't believe in Allah, atheists, are the hardest to give Da'wah to. Don't be afraid to give them Da'wah, but be prepared and be knowledgeable because they always look at everything from a short sighted materialistic view.
·When giving Da'wah, you have to be wise. Be careful of the words and think before you speak.
·Know to whom you speaking to. For example, try to find out what they are interested in or if they have any problems. According to that, give them their information.
·People will always be interested if it gives them an answer to their problem or it has something to do with them.
·First of all, the best Da'wah is by your actions.
·When doing Da'wah to non-Muslims, we should try to concentrate on what we have in common to them. For example: Islam and Christianity both believe that abortion is wrong. This is only to break the tension
·We should let them know that we share many of the same ethics and manners.
·Let them know that we believe in heaven, hell, angels, devils, the Day of Judgment, sins, repentance, and prophets.
·Let them know we only believe in one Allah. And as a result, we worship Him alone, and explain what is the meaning of worship in Islam.

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·Avoid controversial issues, like is Jesus, may Allah exalt his mention, the son of Allah or just a Prophet. Don’t get in an argument, but it has to be mentioned clearly, that Jesus the son of Mary is a Messenger of Allah and not His son.
·Do not insult them or put them or their religion down in any way.
·Avoid argument and debates. This only leads to ruin.