Seo Training For Beginnersielts Document

List A documents must be unexpired as the federal government is still processing requests for new documents. Effective Tuesday, February 4, 2020, the weekly deadline for payroll coordinators to enter the final time sheet mail code approval and to approve all hires will be 10 A.M. On Tuesday mornings. On page SEO is that seo which is set up in your article or when you are writing articles like url, title, meta description, images, alt text, focus keyword etc. Off page seo is also an important part of seo. In this, you can work outside of your website to rank in search engine results page (SERP).

  1. Ielts Preparation Courses
  2. Writing For Ielts Pdf
  3. Seo Training For Beginnersielts Documents
  4. Seo Training For Beginnersielts Documentation

PASEO is a DEP-approved training sponsor (ID # 87). Periodically throughout the year, we offer SEO training courses to both members and non-members. Space is limited at all training course to the first 40 registrants. (Current COVID-19 indoor gathering size restrictions may further limit course sizes.)

Grab this SEO Revolution HD Training Video Black Hat V/s White Hat Before diving into the field of SEO, you should be aware of White Hat and Black Hat SEO. Here is how these may be described Black Vs White Hat SEO If you want to work SEO like a get-rich-quick scheme, you’ll probably end up doing what’s called black hat SEO. I'm the author of dozens of Internet-related books since 1993, including SEO for Dummies and Search Engine Optimization for Dummies, the Complete Idiot's Guide to the Internet, and Pay Per Click Search Engine Marketing for Dummies. I also have three training courses running on Learn how to use Yoast SEO to its full extent with the Yoast SEO for WordPress training. Create or edit on your server. If the robots.txt file is not writable or your WordPress install has disabled file editing, creating or editing robots.txt through the WordPress Dashboard may.

** See important note about COVID-19 Safety & PASEO’s training offerings at the bottom of this page. **

During PASEO’s Annual Conference at the Red Lion Hotel, PA on March 7-9, 2021, we will be offering a variety of additional training courses. You must be registered to attend the annual conference to be eligible to register for any of the training courses. These training courses are optional — extra fees beyond the conference registration fee apply.

During PASEO’s Western Conference at the Doubletree in Monroeville, PA on March 15, 2021, we will be offering a variety of training courses. Registration is for the full day only — pick your desired courses and earn up to 6 SEO credits.

Total 6 SEO CEUs
Sunday, March 7, 2021; 8:30am-4:30pm
Red Lion Hotel Hotel, 4751 Lindle Road, Harrisburg, PA 17111.
Hotel phone: (717) 939-7841 Hotel website
Register for this training series when you are registering for the Annual Conference

This full-day series of O&M courses consists of four separate 1.5 hour training courses:

System Operation and Maintenance- It’s More Than Just Tank Pumping (#1003SMGT-0087CLRM) – Providing proper and routine maintenance for all types of onlot sewage disposal systems is the key to long term system functioning. This short course on routine system operation and maintenance will focus on standard septic tank systems for single family residential use. The course will discuss why maintenance is important and will review the key elements of sound operation and maintenance such as inspection of all system components, tank pumping, efficient water use, proper waste disposal, and protection of the absorption area. Homeowner education will be emphasized including topics such as use of garbage disposals, tank additives, water softeners, and more. (1.5 SEO CEUs)

Maintaining a Residential Jet BAT Media Plant (#1012TECH-0087CLRM) – The importance of maintaining all components of an onlot sewage disposal system cannot be overemphasized. This short course will focus on system operation and maintenance for a residential Jet BAT Media plant. The course will briefly summarize the basic components and operation of the media plant and will then focus on detailed maintenance activities that are specific to the Jet BAT media plant. (1.5 SEO CEUs)

Advantex® Treatment Systems in PA- Maintenance Provisions for the SEO (#1010TECH-0087CLRM) – The importance of system maintenance cannot be overstated and is the key to long term system functioning. Acknowledging the fact that all systems and all system components require maintenance, this short course on operation and maintenance will focus on the Orenco Advantex Treatment System. The course will briefly summarize the Adantex treatment system, how it works, and the current maintenance measures required in PA by the system’s alternate listing. The course will then focus on more detailed maintenance activities that are specific to the Advantex system. (1.5 SEO CEUs)

PercRIte® Drip Dispersal- Operation and Maintenance (#1011TECH-0087CLRM) – The importance of system maintenance cannot be overstated and is the key to long term system functioning. The need for system maintenance, meaning maintenance beyond pumping, is not unique to alternate systems but should be performed on all types of onlot sewage treatment and dispersal systems. This short course on system operation and maintenance will focus on the PercRite drip systems, both the drip systems and the Micromound systems. We will first briefly summarize these two (2) systems describing their basic components and how/when they are used in PA. We will discuss what is currently required in PA by the respective system’s alternate listing. And then we will go on to discuss the detailed maintenance activities that are specific to the PercRite drip systems. (1.5 SEO CEUs)

DEP Training Course #pending, 3 SEO CEUs
Monday, March 8, 2021; 2:00pm-5:15pm
Red Lion Hotel Hotel, 4751 Lindle Road, Harrisburg, PA 17111.
Hotel phone: (717) 939-7841 Hotel website
Register for this training series when you are registering for the Annual Conference

This course will educate SEOs about the design review and installation inspections for the American PercRite drip dispersal technology. Part 1 of the course will review the basic siting and design requirements. Operational design calculations will be demonstrated including a design review worksheet. Part 2 of the course defines manufacturer and SEO responsibilities and then focusses on critical elements of the SEO inspection of a drip installation. Satisfactory completion of this course will allow SEOs to independently issue permits for this technology.

DEP Training Course #1001HYDR-0087CLRM, 3 SEO CEUs
Tuesday, March 9, 2021; 8:00am-11:15am
Red Lion Hotel Hotel, 4751 Lindle Road, Harrisburg, PA 17111.
Hotel phone: (717) 939-7841 Hotel website
Register for this training series when you are registering for the Annual Conference

This course will educate Sewage Enforcement Officers with the overall concept of dosing pressure distribution systems and how dosing can promote long term functioning of the absorption areas. The course describes differences with demand dosing, time dosing, and flow equalization, and presents the advantages and disadvantages of each. The course will review the overall dosing requirements for Chapter 73 pressure dosed systems and the alternate system listing for the use of flow equalization in PA. Typical design scenarios will be reviewed for demand and time dosing as well as for flow equalization situations, so that the SEO can acquire experience in reviewing and determining compliance with PA standards. Attendees will learn how various control panels are designed to facilitate dosing schemes and also to provide useful information for ongoing system operations. The use of standard spreadsheets will also be introduced to help facilitate SEO design reviews.

DEP Training Course #210.1-0087, 8 SEO CEUs
Monday, March 15, 2021; 8:30am-4:30pm
Doubletree Hotel, 101 Mall Blvd, Monroeville, PA 15146
Hotel phone: (412) 373-7300; Hotel website
Register for this training series when you are registering for the Western Conference

This course is designed to assist sewage enforcement officers in understanding the decision process and flowchart outlined in DEP’s Technical Decision Making Guidance for Onlot Sewage System Repair Situations document (TDM); the reasons TDM was developed as well as its intended use in resolving malfunctions; and, how to apply the TDM process to situations involving real-life malfunctions. Following the completion of six (6) hours of classroom instruction, the student must pass (70% or better) a take-home posttest to complete the course and receive the eight (8) continuing education credits — no partial credit can be given. The posttest will consist of forty multiple choice and true/false questions. It will be administered online and the students will have 30 days from the conclusion of classroom instruction to pass the posttest.

DEP Training Course #pending, 3 SEO CEUs
Monday, March 15, 2021; 8:30am-11:45am
Doubletree Hotel, 101 Mall Blvd, Monroeville, PA 15146
Hotel phone: (412) 373-7300; Hotel website
Register for this training series when you are registering for the Western Conference

This course will educate SEOs about the design review and installation inspections for the American PercRite drip dispersal technology. Part 1 of the course will review the basic siting and design requirements. Operational design calculations will be demonstrated including a design review worksheet. Part 2 of the course defines manufacturer and SEO responsibilities and then focusses on critical elements of the SEO inspection of a drip installation. Satisfactory completion of this course will allow SEOs to independently issue permits for this technology.

DEP Training Course #1004HYDR-0087CLRM, 3 SEO CEUs
Monday, March 15, 2021; 1:00pm-4:30pm
Doubletree Hotel, 101 Mall Blvd, Monroeville, PA 15146
Hotel phone: (412) 373-7300; Hotel website
Register for this training series when you are registering for the Western Conference

Septic tanks are probably the most important single component of an onsite sewage system. This course will review the functioning of septic tanks in onsite wastewater systems and the importance of providing watertight tanks. The course will present the advances in tank construction over the years for both concrete and plastic tanks and will discuss the importance of using quality tanks and proper installation techniques. The course will emphasize sound installation practices including tank buoyancy considerations and water tightness testing of tanks.

IMPORTANT NOTE: All training classrooms will be set up with social distancing in mind. Our aim is to have no more than two people per 8-foot table with each table spaced 6-feet away from any other table. We will be observing whatever COVID-19 related policies and/or health orders are in place by the hosting hotel as well as the local government jurisdiction at the time of training. At a minimum, you should expect to be properly masked while in the hotel. When registering for any training course, you will be required to agree to a COVID-19 liability waiver.

If you experience any symptoms of illness such as cough, shortness of breath, fever, muscle pain, headache, sore throat, new loss of taste/smell, or any other symptom normally associated with COVID-19; have been exposed to someone with a suspected/confirmed case of COVID-19; been diagnosed with COVID-19 and not yet been cleared by local health professionals as non-contagious; and/or have traveled within 14 days prior to the training event to a area highly impacted by the COVID-19 virus, PASEO asks you to not attend the training event. We will refund your registration fee in total up to and including the day of training.

*** All information, exact timing, and prices are tentative and subject to change. ***

I’m going to walk you through our SEO proposal that has generated well over $4m in revenue for our agency.

You can grab a copy of the SEO proposal template here.

There are SO MANY additional insights in the video below, I suggest watching it.


FREE tools, templates and videos to help scale your SEO practice.

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The key to closing more proposals…

The key to closing more proposals is all about solving your prospect’s problems.

I know I baited you here with this super sexy proposal template, but at the end of the day the document you send is worthless without the right insights.

Our sales team follows a simple process to make sure we’re identifying their problems:

  1. An initial consultation call. All leads are required to have a 30 minute Zoom consultation. During this time we ask questions about things that might be holding them back from achieving their marketing goals.
  2. A “top 10 analysis“. After the consultation we move into the proposal process. We run a “top 10” analysis to determine the 10 most pressing issues a website is facing (technical roadblocks, lack of links, etc). This analysis becomes the baseline for our pitch.
  3. The pitch / proposal. With the analysis in hand, we can pitch our services as solutions to their problems. Without identifying their specific problems, your pitch will get lost in the shuffle with the other agencies.

Find issues, pitch solutions.

We give you our exact process for how to do this analysis in the Sales Module within The Blueprint Training.

Start with a simple cover slide

A simple page, don’t overthink it, just your customer’s logo, a date and write a contact email that they can use to reach you. I also suggest hiring a designer to customize the template we’ve given you, you can find capable ones on Upwork.

Sellyourself with an about page

This is where you tell the prospect a little more about your agency. I like to use this space to sell our story and key differentiators. Highlight your past achievements and your strong points.


Grab the exact same proposal template our agency has used to close over $4,000,000 in client contracts.

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Summarize your approach in an executive summary

Ideally, you’ll have had multiple conversations with the prospect before this point. Cite the conversation you have had with the client during the consultation process, especially the pain points.

Give the high level view of your strategy and how you will alleviate their pain points.. Mention the areas of improvement and what they should expect in the proposal ahead.

This should always be written custom depending on the pitch.

Find issues, pitch solutions

This is the most important part of the proposal. We like to run a full site crawl then analyze keyword, link, competitor and content.

We’re looking for issues that we can solve with our services. We build what we call a “top 10” analysis, where we find 10 issues + suggestions for organic growth.

The “top 10” gets dropped here, 1 slide for each issue found.

This is your opportunity to show that you’re capable and taking initiative on the campaign. Prospects want to see that you have a plan, this makes it easier to quantify your worth.

You can format them in a number of ways, whatever works for your agency. Below is an example from a local SEO pitch that required us to build out location based landing pages as part of the campaign.

Sometimes you can use templated slides from past proposals here, as a lot of websites will share the same issues. For example, we always include slides that map to our “5 phases” approach to SEO – there’s almost always a slide in there speaking to the technical issues on the website.

State their goals, clearly

During your initial consultation you should ask a prospect what their goals are for engaging an agency. This is the place to put them in writing so the prospect knows you’re driving the campaign to their expectations of success.

These goals should tie in directly with the services you are going to offer and deliverables you will prepare.

Focus on big areas like link outreach, technical audit, content creation, etc.

Our proposals usually contain boilerplate goals that we tweak depending on the pitch.


Grab the exact same proposal template our agency has used to close over $4,000,000 in client contracts.

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Propose your solutions

The first half of the proposal was spent speaking to the prospect about issues, goals and strategy. This section will focus on how our services can fix those issues and increase their organic traffic.

The solutions section focuses on the actual deliverables we will be building over the life of the campaign. They help define scope of work and justify pricing.

Here is an example of a deliverable from one of our WEBRIS pitches.

Ielts Preparation Courses

Depending on the scope of your pitch you can have as many deliverables as needed. Preferably put one deliverable in each slide.

Below is another example of how we put project planning and management as a separate deliverable. We like to think of project management as a separate deliverable because it takes time and resources and we need to bill for that time. Including it as a deliverable puts the prospect in the mind frame they are getting something tangible for that time.

Show your product

If you have a small team, display the people clients will be working with. It will not only help them familiarize themselves with your team but it will also build trust in the eyes of the clients when they will see faces associated with the names. At the end of the day, we are selling people – they are an agency’s true product, we need to include them.

Pricing breakdown

Pricing SEO campaigns is a challenge – we work on the hours system. If you’re struggling to price your SEO campaigns properly, watch the video below – it should shed light on a lot of things for you.

I like to clearly state the number of hours broken down by month. I also like to put in writing a lot of the “fine print” – you can see from the screenshot what we like to include.

We have a ton of resources on SEO campaign pricing:

Last chance to sell them

Letting clients know who you have worked with in the past will build up trust and it will also help them see that you are competent enough to handle their job.

This is your last chance to sell your agency – go all out. Add in client logos…


Case studies…

Seo Training For Beginnersielts Document

Anything that’s going to shed a positive light on your agency.

Pulling it all together

Writing For Ielts Pdf

If you’re not generating the right leads, your proposal is irrelevant.

We recently opened up a huge module within our agency sales training teaching you how to build an outbound sales pipeline for your agency.

Make sure to check it out while it’s still free!

Seo Training For Beginnersielts Documents


FREE tools, templates and videos to help scale your SEO practice.

Seo Training For Beginnersielts Documentation

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