

Resolution Arduino

My CEST Solution - Arduino Community Malaysia. January 14 at 8:06 PM Testing reading EC transmitter EC sensor TDS conductivity sensor. Lepasni kita cuba IoT kan pula. Arduino pH Sensor Probe Internal Structure The inside and outside of the ph Probe is coated with a hydrated gel and the inside is a neutral solution of potassium chloride. Stack Exchange network consists of 176 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share. Because it is so flexible and open source, Arduino is the best solution if you are interested in creating interactive objects or environments no matter you are artists, designers or hobbyists. One of Seeed Studio’s motto is “Grow the Difference”, which has now become part of the culture of the company.

Arduino pH Meter Introduction

AAs you all know, pH is a very important unit for measurement of acidity/basic nature of solutions. pH measurement is widely employed in almost every aspects of our life of applications such as agriculture, industries, environmental pollution monitoring, wastewater treatment and in research and development. pH is a measure of the acidity or alkalinity of a solution.

In this post I will be explaining about What pH is, How pH electrode Works, What a pH Sensor is and how to connect Arduino to a pH Sensor to make your own Arduino pH Meter.

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1. What is pH?

In Chemistry, pH is a scale used to determine acidic, basic or neutral nature of various solutions. Definition of pH is – Negative Logarithm of Hydrogen ion concentration.

pH = -log10[H+]

pH scale is from 0 to 14. Acidic solutions such as Hydrochloric Acid, Acetic Acid etc have pH below 7 where as Bases such as Sodium Hydroxide have pH above 7. Usually, neutral solutions such as distilled water have pH of 7.

pH is a numerical scale to represent acid, base or neutral solution on scale of 0 to 14.

Measurement of pH is very important in so many fields like chemistry, biology, medicine, agriculture, food and many more which can be done with your very own DIY Arduino pH Meter.

2. pH Sensor for Arduino

Start building your own Arduino pH sensor for water pH level monitoring station, aquarium or for your water tanks. Use this sensor for your aquaponics or fish tanks.

Get Your pH Sensor from Here.

This pH Sensor has 2 Parts

Arduino Wifi Solution

  • The Probe
  • The Circuit

This pH sensor gives out analog voltage depending up on the pH value of the solution where the probe is kept. This analog value can be read very easily using any analog pin of the Arduino.

3. How Arduino pH Probe Works?

Let us look at pH probe for our pH meter and how it works. Well the ph Probe measures the potential difference between two electrodes, both in the same solution, however one of the electrodes has an enclosure. This enclosure is usually filled with glass tube with a metal such as lithium, sodium, potassium, boron, calcium and so on.

The inside and outside of the ph Probe is coated with a hydrated gel and the inside is a neutral solution of potassium chloride. The reference electrode is usually placed in a separate enclosure in contact with a solution through a porous membrane suspended in than 0.1 moles per liter potassium chloride solution. If we zoom in on the class member junction, we see the hydrogen ions has diffused into the gel on internal side.

When we place a probe into an acidic solution, hydrogen ions will diffuse into the gel on the external side. Now remember that inside of the silicon dioxide glass, we have metal cations, let’s say sodium that had some mobility inside the glass. So when we put the probe into a solution, the excess of hydrogen ions on the outside, force the sodium ions to diffuse from one region of activity to another.

So if we, with sufficient accuracy and measure the voltage crossed in and out the solution, we’ll get an increased positive voltage as the effective concentration of hydrogen ions increase.

For neutral solution the hydrogen ions balances. So we have no net diffusion of sodium and also no charge.

For basic solution we get an opposite diffusion and so we get a negative voltage.

Notice that if we were to change the thermodynamics situation by temperature or pressure, the rate at which hydrogen ions diffuse in or out of the gel changes and so will the measured voltage. This is the reason why pH is truly a mission of activity and not direct on the concentration of hydrogen ions in solution.

4. Connections – IR Sensor to Arduino

  • pH Sensor ——- Arduino
  • Vin —–5V of Arduino
  • Gnd —– Gnd of Arduino
  • Vout (Analog) —– A0 of Arduino

5. Arduino pH sensor Code

Just select the board and upload the sketch. Thats it Guys. Your ph meter is now ready to use. Just dip the ph meter probe to some solution and it will start showing you the values corresponding g to the ph of the solution.

Top Arduino Projects You can Try this Summer Vacation

Here is a list of the latest Arduino Projects 2019 implementing newer sensors and boards, which can be followed easily and are really interesting to implement you can try this summer vacation.

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Here is a list of the latest Robotics Projects for 2019 based on Raspberry Pi Arduino Projects 2019 implementing newer sensors and boards, which can be followed easily and are really interesting to implement you can try this summer vacation.

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This blog includes all the important projects that you can easily do at home. I made all these projects under 2 weeks spending 2 hours/day .

  • 19 respects

Components and supplies

Arduino UNO
Ultrasonic Sensor - HC-SR04 (Generic)
SG90 Micro-servo motor
Raspberry Pi 3 Model B
Jumper wires (generic)

About this project

Project 1 : Covid-19 detectionusing lung sounds

In this project I made a Covid-19 detector which uses Lung sounds to analyse and predict the chances of the disease. I used HTML, CSS, JAVASCRIPT and Google Teachable Machine to make the classifier and the website . Check the website out here :


The You-tube playlist from where I extracted the audio is :

Any suggestions is highly appreciated

PS: The classifier is very easy to build, Just put the audio files in Google Teachable Machine and then build a classifier. Then import the Jason file in JavaScript, Cook it up with some Html and CSS and vola - the website will be complete.

You will find the code for the above project here :

Project 2 :Fake News during Covid-19

My second project is ' Fake News during Covid-19 ' . Initially you can see nodes in different shades of violet. These are the nodes in a social media site. You can start the fake news on any node, by clicking on it. You can also adjust the consciousness of the people to find out how much influence it has on spreading of Fake news. Finally there are two bars where you can see how many people ignored the message and how many forwarded it.

You can check out the project here :

Open this link in computer for better results.

You can check out our YouTube video about Fake news here :

You will find the code for the above project here :

3rd and 4th project : BD CAM 1.0 andMask detector

There are two videos below. The second one is a simple mask detector which any one can make within few minutes without any coding. We are, I think, way past that phase for mask detection. The first video focuses on an app which I am developing known as BD CAM. It is an app that will detect if one has Covid-19 or not, by facial detection. Doctors have already invented similar apps for Tuberculosis, Parkinson's disease etc. As we know in India there is and will be a shortage of Test kits. So we need an alternative, available to all. This ML Model has pictures of different symptoms as classes. It finds correlation amongst them. But it is not efficient enough. It requires more data and more epochs. After this model is over, the plan is to find a correlation between all these percentages - multiplying all those percentages by certain constant values and adding them and if it is over a certain threshold value then one has Covid-19. Then it will be deployed for mobile devices. But it will take time to prepare the exact model with all the correlations . It is an open source project so anyone can collaborate. Thank you. Let's not waste whatever time we have at our disposal and fight this pandemic.

I made both of the above projects using Google Teachable Machines . The link for Teachable Machines is :

5th Project:Hand-wash timer

This is a simple hand-wash timer made using Arduino Uno, Ultrasonic sensor and Servo motor. The Ultrasonic sensor detects if someone has come to wash their hands. The servo motor receives this signal from the Ultrasonic sensor and starts ticking for 20 seconds. Such a visual display will help to motivate people to wash their hands for 20 seconds.


This is a glimpse of my model ' FLATTEN THE CURVE INDIA '. The video is in 16X speed. This ML Model made in SPYDER is fully customizable. It includes total population, percentage of infected people at the beginning, radius of transmission, probability of transmission, percentage of people in quarantine and time taken to recover. The model will approximately calculate the time when the curve will start to flatten. It will also give approximately accurate answers for large demographic countries like India considering approximate population densities. I will upload the codes by tomorrow and also a video about how to use this to optimize and reduce the length of Covid-19 in India. You will surprised to find out that lock-down doesn't play that much of a role in this optimization process as you think. BUT in densely populated countries like India, lock-down is absolutely necessary to prevent community transmission, but that's not enough to fight this pandemic. The improvement of recovery rate, reduction of radius of contact and some other are the key features which will truly help us.

Arduino A Classy Solution

Finalproject:Covid-19 detection using Chest X ray

Currently working on Covid-19 detection using Chest X ray of patients. I have already gathered approved databases of X- ray, the Covid X-ray database is from GitHub and the normal and the pneumonia ones are from Kaggle.

I have made all the above projects under 2 weeks , working about 2 hours each day behind them , but now I am focusing on to my studies . I will make more new and unique projects soon, when time permits me to do so. Thanks a lot for reading this blog about my projects . Please leave your valuable feedback in the comment section below .



Fake news
Covid-19 detection using lung sounds

Custom parts and enclosures

Arduino Interrupt Solution



  • 1 project

Published on

May 15, 2020
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