Essene Book Of Revelationrejected Scriptures

Essene Book Of Revelationrejected Scriptures

Essene Book Of Revelation

Es-senz', (Essenoi, Essaioi): Contents I. THE NAME Forms It Assumes-Etymology, Origin II. AUTHORITIES FOR THE TENETS OF THE ESSENES 1. Philo (1) Description from Quod Omnis Probus Liber (2) Description from Quotation in Eusebius, Preposition Evang. (3) Description of Therapeutae from De Vita Contemplativa. The Essenes were a New Testament religious sect that existed from the second century B.C. To the first century A.D. Of the three main religious groups mentioned by Josephus (a well known first century Jewish historian), they are the only ones not found directly in Scripture.

The Essene Book Of Moses

Essene book of revelationrejected scriptures king james version

4.Book of Giants
This book is called by scholars the Book of Giants. The original name of this book was probably the Book of the Generations of the Nephilim. This book survives only in fragments found in the Dead Sea Scrolls of several copies. The book existed in the early church and was used by some Christians as Scripture. It was popular enough to be included as Scripture in the gnostic Manichean corpus of Scriptures. It is ultimately because of the false association with Gnosticism that Enochian literature was thoroughly suppressed and ultimately destroyed by the Catholic Church. Based on the fragments of the Book of Giants, the content of the Book of Enoch, and a rabbinic reworked version of the Book of Giants, one can reconstruct the overall story of the Book of Giants very impressively. Nothing more than an overall story line can be constructed. Basically, the story can be reconstructed as follows: The Watchers see how sinful humankind are so they ask YHWH to allow them to go down and teach them righteousness. YHWH permits them to do so but warns them of the dangers mingling with mankind. The Watchers, led by Azazel, descend and teach them righteousness and they are a great and positive influence for humankind. The most promising person of all is Enoch, who is beloved by all the Watchers and chosen to be a mediator between the angels and mankind. Some of the women eventually begin to become sexually attracted to the Watchers and they try to seduce some of the Watchers into having sex with them. 200 of the Watchers decide to do so, Azazel and Shemhazah being the principal instigators. They have sex with them and those sinful Watchers lose their immortality and they become mortals. Their wives give birth to children who eventually grow up to be Giants. They also have sex with animals and their animal mates give birth to animals which eventually grow up to be Giants. Afterwards, they begin interbreeding and all kinds of hybrids are born from these impure couplings. Some of the Giants play a key role in the Book, in particular, Gilgamesh, Ohyah, Hahyah, and Mahaway. The offspring of the Watchers are extremely corrupt, and they corrupt all life on earth. Things become so corrupt, that YHWH has decided to end their life. YHWH gives the Giants one final chance for repentance by giving them dreams of the coming flood and destruction and damnation of the offspring of the Nephilim and all life on earth. The Giants are not able to understand the dreams and they send Mahaway to go to Enoch to receive from him an explanation. Enoch greets Mahaway and teaches him the interpretation of the dreams and gives him prophecies and moral instruction and wisdom to share with the other Giants. He warns them of what will happen. Mahaway returns with Enoch’s message. Some of the Giants attempt to reform their ways but others oppose Enoch’s message. YHWH then commands his four chief archangels to instigate an extremely bloody civil war between the offspring of the Watchers, to bind Azazel, and to bind the other fallen Watchers, and to instruct Noah on what to do to preserve life on earth and to warn him of the coming flood. The fallen Watchers are all bound, and most of the offspring of the Nephilim are killed in the bloody war. Then afterwards, the remaining offspring are killed in the flood. Ohyah alone refuses to die and fights with the Leviathan and Raphael punishes Ohyah by binding him into the prison of the fallen Watchers. All the other offspring of the Nephilim are allowed to remain on the earth as demons and they are given a law and they are converted into believers. This book is a much longer version of the first section of the Book of Enoch. The first section was based on the books that Enoch wrote for the Giants. The Book of Giants was probably compiled by Noah, for Noah had been entrusted as the caretaker of all of Enoch’s writings and was given the task of compiling them together in their proper documents. Like 1 Enoch and 2 Enoch, Noah probably supplemented the book with more information about the Giants. The archaic and ancient style of the book, its correspondences with ancient Sumerian ideas, and its striking correspondence with 1 Enoch and the clear dependence of 1 Enoch on the Book of Giants proves that the Book of Giants must be Scripture.