
Weddings are considered no less than a festival as it brings great excitement and joy not only in the lives of the couples, but their families too. As wedding marks the coming together of the two people and families, an auspicious day is chosen and various rituals are performed. Now other than the wedding rituals, speech giving ceremonies are also organized, such as the best man speech, speech by the sister, brother, father, mother, friends, colleagues, etc.

These speech giving ceremonies act as an exciting vehicle for people to pour out their emotions and feelings in front of so many people for the bride and the groom and touch their heart cords. Through these speech giving ceremonies, conducive atmosphere is built that helps people to come even closer to each other and cement their relationships with the warmth of love. So if you are also curiously awaiting the wedding of your near and dear ones, then gear up and consider making it even more special for them through your impressive speech.

Short Wedding Speeches for Wedding

Exclusive Groom Speech Pack. 25 Outstanding and Extremely Entertaining, Professionally Written Groom Speech Samples. Before writing these speech samples I have had a number of brainstorming sessions with various renowned public-speakers, wedding specialists, men who have given groom speeches as well as those who are about to give groom speeches. Visitors on the Best Speech Topics website can use the submission form below to contribute free samples of speeches for students and others to use as a reference. Best Speech Topics will include the very best examples in the master list.

Wedding Speech for Bride by Groom

Hello Everyone! I warmly welcome you all to my wedding function and thank you for giving your blessings to us. Besides, I want to extend my special thanks to our parents for working together as a team and making our wedding day truly special for both of us. We both are much overwhelmed by this grand, charismatic set up and warm reception. We couldn’t have asked for more on this big day of ours.

Last, but not the least, I want to thank my bride for accepting me with all my shortcomings. I know I am not the perfect man, but with you I feel I am your one and only. Thank you for always standing by my side through tough times and never losing your confidence over me even when I did lose my own. Thank you for believing in me more than I believe in myself. Whatever I am today is because of your unconditional love and support. There have been many ups and down in my life and many things have changed, but one thing that has remained constant forever is your love for me.

Your love is the most precious thing in my life and I cannot imagine my existence without you. You have made my life beautiful and worth living. I know I have been such a nuisance for you, I have been impatient many times and over possessive but you have always been patient with me. We share a great comradeship and excellent compatibility level and this is the reason why we are standing here as a strong couple. I hope our relationship continues to stay strong with every passing day and we never lose our everlasting companionship. I promise to keep you happy to the best of my capacity and would never ever make you feel unwanted.

Thank you for being my bride and cheers to our everlasting love!

Wedding Speech for Groom by Bride

Respected Parents, Relatives and My Dear Friends – I extend my warm thank you to everyone!

Special thank you to my parents for making my dream come true and allowing me to marry the man whom I love so much. This is true I can’t thank enough my parents and express enough my gratitude towards them. Mom and Dad, I truly feel that you are the best parents in the whole world and I am indeed blessed to have you in my life as my parents. Secondly, I want to express my feelings for my groom. It is not possible to sum up in words my happiness of standing here as your bride. Thank you for accepting me as your partner and taking this decision of spending the rest of your life with me.

We all know that marriage is a life changing decision yet you have made me feel so comfortable about the whole thing that today standing here as your bride I do not have any anxiety or nervousness within my heart. In fact, I am feeling myself on cloud nine and my heart is pumping with sheer joy. I not only see my groom and my life partner in you, but a lifetime companion who would always help me steer clear through difficult times. There is nothing I cannot share with you in fact you have handled me with a lot of patience at times happily embracing my irksome attitude or behavior. I feel extremely lucky to have you in my life and my parents are extremely glad that they have got a son in you and not a son-in-law.

Thank you for showering all your love and care on me and helping me gain my inner confidence during difficult times. There have been many tested situations, but not even once did your love falter for me and it’s rather going strong with the every passing moment. Thank you for not only giving me the right to love you, but also giving me yet another such wonderful family – Mom and Dad and your cute sister Ria. It’s indeed a big day for me, thanks once again for making it come true. Let’s celebrate not only our union, but the union of our families.

Cheers to this time!

Wedding Speech for Bridesmaid by Bride

I would like to extend a warm thank you to all the guests present today!

On marriage occasions, the bride and the groom often thank their parents, friends and guests who make the day truly special. But what about the bridesmaids, who indeed play an important role in giving the bride a royal treatment? So today standing here as a bride, I would want to say a few words in the honor of my bridesmaid. Right since the day when wedding preparations had kick started, my friends have been excited to play the role of the bridesmaid. Now that they have donned this role, I must say that they are doing complete justification with this role.

I am being constantly pampered and looked after by my bridesmaid and they are actually giving me a princess-like treatment. Whatever I need is available to me without any delay and I am having the best time of my life. What else could I have asked for on this day, but a treatment like this! Right from ensuring my wedding outfit to my jewelries to my other accessories – everything was well taken care of. They have made sure that no inconvenience is caused to me on this day. They have even helped in packing my luggage and in doing almost all the wedding shopping.

They selected the most appropriate shopping destinations for me where I could buy things according to my taste and preferences. What’s more? They even planned a surprise party and made me feel how special I am to them. You have done more than even what a sister could do for me. Not even once, did I feel lonely and helpless during this entire journey of my wedding preparation. I did not feel even once that I am the only child of my parents and helping them out in the wedding preparation as you all shouldered the responsibilities well and walked an extra mile to make my wedding no less than a fairy tale wedding.

I hope every girl gets to feel this special as I have felt during this entire journey of my wedding preparation and until now. Thank you so much for all your warmth and support and for taking time out of your packed schedule. I know some bonds are here to last for the lifetime and yours is once such special bond.

Thank you all once again!

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Wedding Speech for Father of the Bride by Bride

First of all, I would like to thank all my guests for being a part of the most special day of my life, i.e. my wedding. A warm welcome to everyone!

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I know in some time my life will change completely – I will not only be my parents’ little girl, but someone’s wife and daughter-in-law. It will indeed be a big responsibility to shoulder. I already have butterflies fluttering in my stomach. But before I step out from my parents’ home to enter into a new world altogether, I would like to extend a special note of thanks to my father. He has always been an encouraging figure in my life whom I have always looked up to. Never once did he discourage me in following my own path. Being his only child, he has showered all his love and care on me and always treated me like his son.

I am quite close to my father and I have seen him working hard every day for me and my mother and doing all those small-small things for keeping the happiness quotient intact and making both of us feel truly special. And now that I will no longer be there with them, both of them and especially my father who is going to feel extremely lonely – because he is my confidante and the one who used to hide all my mischief from my mother. If anything used to go wrong, I know my father will take care of it. He has always been that protective shield which could never fail. Amidst all the obscure days and times of uncertainty, my father has come to my rescue. So I am extremely elated at the beginning of my new life, but sad at the same time of having to leave my parents and my father, my best friend.

Before bringing an end to my speech, I would want to thank my father once again for being such a fantastic and best father on this planet. You are the one who could sense my sadness behind my smile and could never say ‘no’ to any of my demands Thank you for your unconditional love and support and cheers to my wonderful parents!

Wedding Speech for Bride by her Father

Today, on the auspicious occasion of my daughter’s wedding I warmly welcome all my guests, including our most special guests tonight – the groom’s family.

As the bride’s father, I cannot thank everyone enough for all their cooperation, support and making to this occasion for showering their blessings on the bride and the groom. We as the bride’s parents feel extremely obliged to the groom’s family for always being so considerate at every stage of wedding preparation and never being complaining about anything. I would want to extend my warm gratitude towards the groom’s father for not putting up a façade as being the groom’s father and rather considering us as one big family. Since the day my son-in-law introduced me to you, I have felt warmth and a sense of comradeship, which is beautiful in itself. Earlier, I have had a lot of anxiety and worries about how my daughter’s wedding will take place and if the groom’s family would be demanding, but trust me after meeting you and everyone in your family has taken the whole burden off from my head and made me feel elated about everything. I could not have wished for a better family for my daughter.

I know for sure that my daughter would even be happier after going to her new home and will not miss us much. You would be like a father to her and not a father-in-law. I am sure she could come to you unhesitatingly anytime if she faces any hindrance in her relationship just like she used to come to me earlier for any of her problem. It fills my heart and my wife’s too with great joy that she is going to be a part of such a wonderful family which believes in giving only love and warmth.

So once again thank you for showing great understanding and always be complacent about everything that comes your way. Let’s celebrate the wonderful union of not only this power couple, but our families too.


Wedding Speech for a Friend (Bridesmaid) of the Bride

Warm Good Evening Everyone!

It gives me immense pleasure today to see one of my closest friends getting married and more so addressing you all like this on the most special day of his life. He is not only my best buddy, but my brother and an integral part of my family. There has not been such time when I did not find him by my side. He has also acted as my best guide and torch bearer at the difficult times of my life. He is a loving and caring soul who spreads the gift of happiness around and never likes to see anyone sad around him.

If I were to admit something today, it would be my fear of losing him. Sometimes, I wondered what if he will get married and have a life of his own! Would he still be able to give me that much time and attention as he does now? Would he continue to be as considerate for me as he is now? These questions really boggled my head! But thanks to you my friend for resolving this dilemma and reinstating my faith in our friendship. My brother, I need you at every crucial juncture of my life and can never imagine my life without you. I am also extremely glad that my bhabhi gives due regard to our friendship and understands our bonding so well. Isn’t so perfect? I have not lost my friend, but gain one more friend in my bhabhi. What else could I have asked for?

I feel I am the happiest man on this planet after having experienced so much of love and care from my family and friends. Now today that you are going to get hooked, I will make sure that it remains as the most memorable day of your life where you experience nothing but unbounded happiness and joy. I want to celebrate to the fullest your wedding in a similar fashion as we had celebrated our victories and achievements in the past. You are going to begin a new chapter of your life and may this chapter be written with the golden pen and you both experience in your new journey only flesh blooming flowers and invigorating fragrance. I wish from the bottom of my heart that the love you have for each other grows by leaps and bounds and you build beautiful memories together.

Cheers to your unflinching love and everlasting union!

Wedding Speech for Brother by Brother/Sister

Dear all – I warmly welcome everyone to my brother’s wedding.

I am unable to put in words my happiness on my brother’s wedding. I am in a trance-like state and it seems like as if it was all about yesterday when we used to fight so much, when he used to pull my legs on every silly issue and do all sorts of crazy things that a brother generally does. But my brother has always been very caring and considerate towards me. I just had to ask for a thing once and my wish used to get fulfilled. My brother has always kept my wishes and desires over his own desires and never made me realize even once how much he does for me. I could recall several incidents when my brother stood up next to me like a shield and never let any misfortune weaken me.

Bhaiya, how amazing those days were when we used to go to school on your bicycle and that terrible day when you thrashed my college friend badly when you realized that he was unnecessarily bothering me. Since then all my friends are afraid of you and cannot dare to misbehave with me. Before any news could reach to dad, you dexterously solved them at your end. I am extremely grateful to God for having given me such a supportive and caring brother who could do every possible thing for his sister in order to bring a smile on her face. How fast time has passed by and I couldn’t even realize that we have grown up into adults and now it’s time for us to welcome my brother’s companion and my most amazing bhabhi.

My Bhabhi is equally great to say and now I am going to get pampered even more. Thank you bhaiya for all those good times and your love and care, I couldn’t have asked for more. I sincerely hope that this marriage brings lots of happiness and prosperity in your life and your love for each other grows every single day. I know bhabhi would make for a wonderful addition in our family.

So ladies and gentlemen let’s cheers to the union of this power couple! God Bless you both!

Wedding Speech for Sister-in-Law (Bhabhi) by Groom’s Sister

I am here to say a few words with regard to my sister-in-law, but before I do so please allow me to extend special thanks to all of you for making to my brother’s wedding. Today is indeed a big day not only for my brother, but for all of us too as he is going to marry his childhood companion and my best friend too.

We often hear heartwarming stories about brothers, sisters, brothers & sisters, but how often do we hear stories of great companionship between the brother’s sister and her sister-in-law? So here I am going to share one such interesting and unique story about myself and my going to be sister-in-law. It’s been more than six years since we are bonded together as best friends and she is equally bonded to my brother. Not even once did I feel ignored and unwanted. Though they were secretly dating each other, she was equally concerned about me. Whenever I needed her she was there and never complained about anything. More than with my brother she has spent her time with me. We have shopped together, bunked the classes together and gone for girls’ night out.

From being best friends to her now going to become my sister-in-law is a great feeling in itself. I am sure this new relation will be equally special as that of our friendship. I am extremely excited to welcome her to our home and the fact that she is now going to live with us forever under the same roof is giving me goose bumps. I am also happy for my brother who has been a rock solid support for me. Let me tell both of you that I haven’t come across a vivacious couple as you are. May your relationship continue to become stronger and love continues to grow deeper as the time passes by.

Much love to you both!

Wedding Speech for Best Man

Warm Good Evening Everyone!

It gives me immense pleasure to be standing here in front of you all as the best man at my brother’s wedding. Honestly admitting, I did not think even once that my brother would choose me as his best man. However, I do know that we both share a great bonding and level of understanding. Since there is just a gap of three years between us, I can say that we have grown up together sharing each other’s temperament and most importantly moments of joy and sorrow.

He being my older brother has always been protective about me and helped me escape from every difficult situation. Like any brother, he has taken all the blames on himself when I did those mischiefs. Not even once, I found him complaining or even put off by my acts of negligence. I have evolved gradually seeing my brother and whatever I am today is because of his constant support and guidance. And now I have become quite possessive about my brother and at every stage of my life I look up to him for his advice. So when his marriage date was confirmed, I was little transfixed and thought that everything would change now and we would stop sharing the same space and doing our overnight talks. His teasing, never-ending talks and our road trips – I felt everything would come to an end. But that was my sheer insecurity as things are going to change for better and from two people now we will become three as a gang, i.e. I, Bhai and My Bhabhi.

Again, it’s my brother who helped me in seeing the best side of it and now I can’t wait to welcome my bhabhi home. I have a bucket list of things prepared for the time to come when we all three would have a blast on our upcoming trips and parties. And now, I would like to end my speech by expressing my heartfelt wishes on their big day. May you have the most perfect life together and you give serious couple goals to us. Bhaiya, thank you for being the nicest brother ever and let’s cheers to this auspicious occasion!

Wedding Speech for Father of the Groom

Warm Greetings Everyone!

As I, Mr. …………, the groom’s father stand here today in front you all feel extremely joyous to see my son beginning the new chapter of his life. Every parent dreams of their child’s wedding and awaits the day with great excitement and anticipation. And now that the day has finally arrived today for us, I can’t help travelling back in time and recalling those wonderful times when he was just born and how he took every single step with us and later on grew up to be a responsible son who could now take care of his parents.

Humorous Speeches

I am extremely proud to be my son’s father as he has always brought glory to home and filled me with pride. Whether it’s academic, sports or any other activity that he takes interest in – he excels in everything. There have been many failures too but he never lost the courage to stand up, fight and emerge victorious. And interestingly, he also managed to win back the love of his leading lady, whom he is going to marry today. Not only my son, but my daughter-in-law too is equally bright and warm as well as compassionate towards us. We couldn’t have wished for a better match for our son. I know she is going to make a wonderful edition in our family and our family will now be complete with the arrival of our daughter. The two of you complete each other and look adorable together. I am equally delighted to have come to know our daughter-in-law’s family and now together we make one big family.


Can’t wait more to see you perform your wedding rituals and begin your new journey together. As your father and well-wisher, I just pray to God to fill your life with ever growing love, romance and thrill. Now let’s cheers to the union of this power couple.

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Also, much love to you both!